There is nothing like a trick question to get you started. The only one that can make you a better athlete is yourself. All of the technology in the world won’t help you until you first commit yourself to being a better athlete. With that commitment comes a willingness to try things you may not have used in the past. One of the greatest weaknesses of all human beings is the propensity to think we know when we don’t know. It is implied when seeking to be the best at something, that there is a requirement to be humble. This is what coaches mean when they say an athlete is not coachable. It doesn’t mean he or she cannot learn, but rather is unwilling to learn. If you have a willingness to do whatever it takes to be successful and the humility to know there is always more to learn, then technology can be a great tool in your toolbox. The point of technology is always to make things easier, not harder. Technology for technology’s sakes has no point. But, and this is very important, technology that makes things easier for you or helps you arrive at your destination faster, is valuable technology. At IntentOne, our technology provides something you could do for yourself, but likely haven’t taken the time to do for yourself. Working with your mind and changing your thoughts is sometimes hard work. It’s an obvious solution, but not always obvious if you know what I mean. Our customized audio product for athletes seeks to make that process easier for you to do. Imagine listening to an audio recording, built on your important reason “why,” that presents your mind with an alternative way of thinking. In the same way that you learned your limiting beliefs through repetition (though not conscious repetition), you can train your mind by faithful repetition to view your circumstances differently. You can begin to discern how much impact your thoughts have over how things turn out. There is no such thing as luck, thought it is often used to make connections where we see no connection. The “lucky” break you experienced didn’t come from luck, but rather through some effort on your part that was fully realized. Maybe you put in the work or the time or the focus necessary to get a result and almost like magic the result appeared. Accordingly, sometimes good technology is indistinguishable from magic. Can technology make you a better athlete? Yes, if you are willing to use it as part of your quest for excellence!
Your mind is a fascinating instrument. You can picture or imagine anything you want to see without limitation. The sky isn’t even the limit. What is often overlooked is your mind’s capacity to live out in reality what it has already seen. Science has proven that an activity that takes place purely in your mind is barely distinguishable from an activity that takes place in your physical life. Read that again. And even more importantly, you won’t be able to accomplish a certain feat until you can first see it in your mind. You have to picture yourself winning. You have to see yourself functioning at a high level. You have to watch yourself coming through in a clutch moment in order to greatly influence the probability of it happening in an actual clutch moment. It is mind first before body. The magic of our platform is found in using mental entrainment to change or alter those images you already have in your mind. Your perceived limitations, your lack of speed, being undersized etc., are all thoughts you have assigned to yourself. Jerry Rice wasn’t fast enough to be an elite receiver. Muggsy Bogues lacked the height needed to compete in the NBA. Get the picture? Both examples refused to allow perceived limitations to stop them from pursuing their life’s dream. Where are you holding yourself back? What thoughts have you been carrying around with yourself, unaware of their existence? Sometimes you need to hear something differently to even be aware of the old, limiting thoughts. With IntentOne’s advanced use of technology, backed by science, you can begin the retraining process. Yes you can do it on your own, but will you?
You can read books, do your research, endeavor to adopt the Mamba Mentality, but until you do the work to change your own limiting beliefs you won’t make the progress you desire. It is truly amazing that something so simple and apparently basic can make such an impact in your athletic career. Remember, humility. The further you go with your sport, the greater the competition will be up near the top. Research shows that only 7% of high football players play college football, with only 3% playing Division 1 football. Slim odds, yet some athletes achieve it. With such odds, you are going to need every advantage you can get. Why not take advantage of IntentOne’s scientifically proven technology to take you to the next level, to adopt the “Next Level Mindset?” A willingness to work out and train hard will only take you as far as your mind thinks you can go. You need the help of your greatest tool – your very own mind. Can technology make you a better athlete? Yes, if you are willing to use it to change your limiting beliefs.
“Inspiration on Demand!”