Our pricing is simple. $19.99 per month for unlimited revisions and recordings. This pricing is subject to change (we kind of have to say this because it’s true).
You do not need to purchase a membership to complete the questionnaire or to review your entries. You will however, need to purchase a membership to produce your recording. We are currently offering a 7 Day Free Trial on our monthly subscription and you are free to cancel at anytime for any reason.
Our goal is very simple; to help as many people as we can by providing the highest level of effectiveness for each specific athlete according to their needs, and to provide this at the lowest price we can afford. 10 years ago, it would cost you around $1,000 for us to make you this kind of recording and there was a minimum one week turnaround for your first recording. With the technology currently available, we are able to make these recordings available at prices that literally anyone can afford and in the hands of the athlete within minutes.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions that would improve our pricing, our product, our website or any other part of what we’re providing here. We rely on your feedback to help us to make this technology the best money can buy.